okaaayyy! I can only assume from your post that your eyes don`t work or you havent worked out how to click on a LINK, a LINK is a blue and underlined bit of text in a post, if you click on it and read the page it LINKS too (hence the name link) you will see that there is a news article where they say that the people who WHERE FINANCING THE GAME STARGATE SG1:THE ALLIANCE <<<look..big letters
DROPPED THE GAME BECAUSE THEY DIDN`T LIKE THE RESULTS THEY WHERE GETTING FROM PERCEPTION (a software house in Australia who own the rights) WHO THEY HAD FINANCED TO CREATE IT (or thats how I understand it...thers a lot of slagging off of each other going on)
they are currently fighting over who owes who what and who slandered who, when they sort that out in court then they can go on to either finish/release or close the project (if they close it then I assume that the rights for an FPS based on Stargate could be bought from them) , but since they bought the rights for an FPS of the game, then the only way to cash in on Stargate at the moment is to make some other style of game based on the series (like an mmporg?), since they have the exclusive rights to make the FPS, if you visit the Perception website (try "perception stargate" in Google) you will find they still intend to release the game, but no release date yet....PHEW!!!.
right!, now I have searched the net for you, given you (obviously unused) links to start from, worked out whats going off between the companies for you, and finaly spent 5 minutes explaining it in simple terms, could you please go away and spend ten minutes learning to use a search engine and clicking on links to see how they work
(mutter...##oody idle kids, want feeding next...supposed to dress him too I suppose?...mutter rant
if you listen you can hear the inter-dimensional zombies calling.....branes, branes......