i was thinking the other day how car psychics can be programed in DBPRO (there are enough dbp projects that are car racing games).
So i was thinking of the car speed. Like when you press forward and hold it a variable is being counted if its like 100 the movment of the car will be faster so another variable is counted by 1. Lets see the car can drive 3 speed variables. When i release the forward button the car counting varible is being decreased. And so on. The opisite way of pressing up. Then there is something like a brake. Slowing down the car faster then not pusshing forward.
Now when i turn the car and still be holding forword i need to program "if upkey()=1 and rightkey()=1 then ...." this also whit leftkey and downkey in many orders.
Down Left
Down Right
Up left
Up right
Now my question is i'm i forgetting something. And is there a example of car principals that i can base my code on.
Thanks in advance.