I can't do a thing with my left hand, nothing more complex than picking my nose
. Deadly accurate and strong with the right, totally hopeless with the left, damn I'd be an unfortunate boxer!.
Is it true that you aren't born right or left handed? - like I suppose it ties in with the strengths theory Tinker talked about, but I remember watching kids learning to use crayons, and sorta deciding which hand they prefer to use as well. Like switching hands, trying to get comfortable with the crayon in their hand, before deciding to simply eat the crayon instead (jk). They'd find the hand that gives the best results and stick to it, they're not deciding, they're beta testing their hands
It is pretty unusual to have a class half-lefty and half-righty, I remember in 7th year primary we had 5 kids with the same birthday, but statistically I think it's more unlikely to have so many southpaws in one classroom. I think that you've got about a 1/10 chance of being left handed, it doubles if you have left handed parents, partially hereditory I think. I wonder though, if it started out that it was a 50-50 split, and right handed folk survived better for whatever reason. The mind wobbles.
Put away, those fiery biscuits!