Here is an example of a very basic save system for the player, which with some tweaking could be used with FPS creator. There is no GUI, it is roughly an ungraphical save/load feature for only the player
` Player is object 1
playerX# = object position X(1)
playerY# = object position Y(1)
playerZ# = object position Z(1)
` Save this information to a file
open to write 1,"savedata.sav" : ` File can be overwriten(thats bad)
write string 1,playerX# : ` X is stored as string 1!
write string 2,playerY# : ` Y is stored as string 2!
write string 3,playerZ# : ` Z is stored as string 3!
close file 1
That would write the player's co-ordinates to a save file, which you can then load at any time using the function below:
function loadPlayerPosition()
` Read where to position the player
open to read 1,"savedata.sav"
read string 1,loadplayerX#
read string 2,loadplayerY#
read string 3,loadplayerZ#
` Position the player at that location
position object 1,loadplayerX#,loadplayerY#,loadplayerZ#
Of course, the variables will need to be changed to the ones used in FPS Creator, and you would need to do all objects in your level, rather than the player. Now that i have the FPSC source code, i'll try and make a save/load feature in my spare time.