Nope, if you manage to get things calling right, and you edit the stuff right... I think you can anyways... technically, anyways...
you need a new FPI for each level
in the setup ini it says you can do this
global = languagebank\english\gamebank\mygame\setuplevel.fpi
levelfpm1 =
levelfpi1 = languagebank\english\gamebank\mygame\loadingpage.fpi
setuplevel will have the sky command in it, you want that in loading page. You need to have a new loading page for each level, and I am not certain that the levelfpi's inc if you have multiple levels, but if they don't you have to edit it to make it so. Of course if Loading Page calls the entity version of Scripting, you are screwed. But I don't think it does, test it.
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