Well perhaps not so much of a challege for someone who knows what they are doing.
Help is needed with this from knowledgeable experienced scripters with a good understanding of the FPSC scripting language and how it works.
As I my lifts are rendered unusable due to the serious lagg issue I have been looking at the platform entity to see what can be done with that as a method of transporting the player.
I set up a platform entity to follow a path. The platform follows an upwards gradient path though that should not matter. I want precise control of this as follows - it is still when the player encounters it. A switch is needed to activate it. (switch3.fpi)
Player hits switch and the platform waits at still until player gets on it then it moves to its destination at which time it stops at the destination if the player gets off and waits for the player to get back on and then the lift goes back to the start and so on.
So far so good I have that.
Additionally - think about it the platform needs to be further controllable so that if say the player falls of - or jumps off - the switch/platform needs to reset itself so that it can be recalled to one of its path points - otherwsie the player could have no way of getting back on it - it being stopped at one side of the path. He could get stranded not able to get to the destination and thus become stuck in game progression.
Whats needed is a two way switch/avtivation so the platform can be called, stopped or started from any switch loacation at either end.
I have that too.
So whats the problem you may ask?
Well my platform works perfectly in my test level - something I have referred too before - test levels you cant trust the assessment. Its not a real scenario.
Works perfectly in test level - now move to my actual level and the problem shows.
The platform is subject to the same problem as my lifts and is affected by the serious lagg issue cutting fps by half. This is what happens in FPSC when levels are large and complex.
However there is with this path platform as opposed to lift platforms an indication as to the reason the platform entities are affected in this way.
The lagg only appears after the player activates it, stands on it and it moves to the destination and the player gets off - its at that point that the lagg appears. Thereafter the lagg exists permanently. This is the opposite to the lift platforms where the lagg only appears when the player is standing on it.
Fortunately there are some pointers here as to what causes the lagg as additionally in the case of my path platform if I go back to the switch and throw the switch again - the lagg immediately dissapears. If I change the path platform entities script file so that it no longer stops at a destination point after the player has used it once so that it then continues to move back and forth along the path permanently - again the lagg dissapears.
The platform can therefore be stopped until activation but thereafter not or the lagg shows up.
Now dont laugh - you all know I stink at scripting but have attached the path platform script file here.
An experienced scripter may easily be able to see in this script what errors if any might be reason for cause of the serious lagg issue attached to platform entities and correct it. If so then that may also isolate the same problem (opposite player relationship as said) with normal lift scripts if the fault is in the scripts.
I know my script is rubbish but it works. If anyone can spot the reason for the lagg and recon they can fix it - please post it back so that I can test out and confirm the solution.
By the way anyone who can find a use for this script can have it - I give it to the community - but as with true lifts its not going to be of much use if flawed with the serious lagg issue.
Hopefully someone can find within this script and from the info above a permanent fix to the platform entity lagg issue for the benefit of all.
More importantly there are some pointers here and possibly a way of understanding the reason for the whole serious lagg issue inside FPSC. That may help anyone working with the source or even TGC to fix the serious lagg issue inside FPSC and that would be something to seriously make finding a solution to this worthwhile.
Thank you.