My brains circuitry runs so that it actually converts to kenetic energy before the information completes its rounds, thus the continuous jerking motion of the head and other limbs... theres a slice or two of an old grapefruit and maybe to matchbox cars and some pogs in there too. I also think my Japanese Charizard with the blood drops on it is in there too but i havent checked in a while. I hope my drivers CD is in there two or else im just going to have to keep on guessing whats on the screen like ive been doing... I still dont believe this is Web M.D., which is killin me (no really) because i need to know whats happening to me...
EDIT: Oh yea, I have a compaq lappy. I like compaqs computers better but Dell has better accessories. Like flat panel monitors... but im not about to pay out the arss for one of those! Im gettin me one out of the garbage. Im building a PC as we speak... or i... shut up.
EDIT AGAIN: I found parts for my secondary PC and I could shell out less than $200 for a 2.3 ghz 512 ram piece of secondary crap.
formerly KrazyJimmy
Denn, du bist was du isst, und ihr wisst, was es ist.