1.a. Do you play computer games?
b. If yes, do you play RTS (Real-Time Strategy) games?
2. Have you ever played Command & Conquer: Generals?
To answer the following questions you must watch Video A and Video B. You may watch them as many times as you like to assist you in answering these questions. Please tick the box that best describes your level of agreement with each statement:
(For each statement just write Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Neutral, Agree, or Strongly Agree next to the question/statement number)
3. On average, Video A has more objects on screen than Video B.
4. On average, the objects in Video A appear to have more physical complexity than in Video B.
5. The explosion, smoke and vehicle trail effects in Video A are visually more appealing than in Video B.
6. There are more explosion, smoke and vehicle trail effects in Video A than in Video B.
7. The shadows cast by the objects are more convincing / accurate in Video A than in Video B.
8. Ignoring background music, the sound effects quality in Video A is better than in Video B.
9. I would consider purchasing the game demonstrated in Video A.
10. I would consider purchasing the game demonstrated in Video B.
(if same price), disagree
Please circle the appropriate answer
11. Which video do you believe shows the best game?
(Video A )
12. Please describe which features you believe make this game better than the other game.
The main difference was, the action is alot more packed in video a, and more enemys attacking, video b doesnt have many enemys and is alot more slow paced, to make video b look on par with video a, the terrain texture needs to be less generic, perhaps more civilian buildings and some shrubs/misc items dotted around.
on engine technicality both look similar although the ones demonstrated on videoa seem to keep moving once theyhve aquired a target, in video b they seem to stop and just fire thus making them a sitting duck and making action less intence.
vehicles demonstrated in video a kick up dust as they move making them seem more alive/realistic which isnt apparent in videob and the helicopter should have dust to match underneath.
when vehicles are destroyed in video a they make a nice explosion effect which is in video b but video a explodes with debris which makes it seem more superior to video b.
to make video b seem more superior to video a, in addition to making the graphics on par with video a, you could have troops in place behind cover, such as sandbags and concrete blocks and perhaps duck when reloading and when a tank is pointing its turret at them.
Halowed are the ori.