I left that part up to the user.
I added a command for the 2D AI which is:
Integer = AI_2D_Active(AI_Number, Player_Number)
That would be where you imply the shooting code. The command:
Setup_AI_Zone AI_Number, minX, minY, maxX, maxY
That command is the zone to decide how far away the AI is from the player before it detects it.
So if you want the AI to detect the player at maybe 10ft maybe try something like:
Setup_AI_Zone AI_Number, 10, 10, 10, 10
I am pretty sure in 2D, space is represented as pixels apart, but you should get the idea.
If I took over the AI too deeply, then it would be molded for specific purposes only.
Like maybe I made a command that told an AI to shoot when it became in range. Well then the AI's purpose would be more than likely for a shooter.
I want what one may call "A Well Rounded AI" meaning works in any situation. I would like to be able to set up the user to easily be able to imply whatever specific purpose the AI will be used for, whether it be racing, shooter, arcade, rpg, ect.
I am still working on a 3D AI DLL, and I am hoping it to be done, or close to it by the end of the week. Please keep up suggestions, comments, or anything else.
The Lone Programmer
"Is The Juice Worth The Squeeze"
-The Girl Next Door