Hello. Ive been part of this community for over a year now, and ive done some great things, and met some brilliant people. I had such a, looking back now, embarrasing start. Weather it be my not knowing how hard it actully is to make an MMORPG, know when a WIP post is ready, or my numerous lies and anoyences to many members of this forum. I just want to apoligise, and thank you all for your tolerence of me.
I know now that there are more important things in life then coding the ultimate game, and that what ive been told so far is not the all perfect truth. Becouse of this, i plan to go discover what life has to offer, and answer the questions that i have just recently decided to ask. I am aiming to write a book of my discoveries, mainly in the question of why we are here. Though my recent completion of the book On the orgin of species sparked this quest for answers, i think that all people must eventually do the same as i plan to do now.
I really want to give a shout out to all who helped me along the way. I would have been useless without your help. Ill still drop by here to see whats new and such, but i doubt ill do much coding. Thanks to you all,
Formerly SageTech