As the subject says, I am looking for a modeler to work with for Planet Zero. Experience in making models for FPSC is a must, all models will need to be FPSC ready.
I am not just asking for help though, I am willing to pay for it.
What I need of the modeler is to work with me from start to finish. Basically I will have a design or photo and i'll need you to make a model out of it.
The models will need to be of low poly and able to work in FPSC well.
The type of models I am looking for will also need to be animated. Basically what i'll need are people and more baddies/bosses.
The models will also need to be for commercial use. Make no mistake, I am buying the models from you and expect the models to be exclusive to my game. We might be able to work something out about this (I have some ideas, PM me for more info.)
If you find this interesting, then hit me up on PM or email ( so that we could work out some pricing. I'd like to do this in pack form (Much like the people who sell their packs in these forums).
Note: I am looking for a modeler. Not opinions, suggestions, or putdowns. Leave the flames for another thread.
ull's my string:: You're reading me talk!