grr... i don't think you understand - YOU REQUIRE ATLEAST the demo's to TEST the worlds your work on, as really you should be ONLY using BSP developers FOR the games they're designed for.
It is POSSIBLE to create your own WAD files with Wally (see a below post), it is POSSIBLE to compress to PAK with a Packer Program (search Fileplanet) OR you can using Winzip for PK3 as this is all they are.
It is POSSIBLE to compile your BSP worlds as long as you have the compilers and use the command line to access your levels...
HOWEVER - this would require you using a BSP Editor which exports .map but ALSO requires you to primarily COMPILE a WAD/Directory of textures!
However there are NONE on the market capable of this...
and it ISN'T just the textures you need the games for, you need them to know what Entity sets you can use - as EACH game has a different Entity set!
as the entities are for everything from Starting Points, Doors, Lights, etc... YOU REQUIRE THESE TO MAKE WORLDS
Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?