yo yo yo yo fo yo whatz up nizzles
sincez todayz tuezday, i got dis shizznat idea
talk like diz for the rest the foo
below iz deh ruleizzless
1) you must has atleast 6 shizzles, izzles, hizzles at in each postz
2) you must atleastzz has sum rap battlez and stuffzz
3) you must talkz liek de do in compton and stuffz
4) you mustz postz like dis everywhere foos
this will show everzyaone howz Ohneka and peeps like dis feelz
begin tiz compition, immediatelysa
soz mods and rich if youz dun like dis shizznat,
whoever talks deh mozt gangsta winz deh competitionzzz
its startz nowz foos
"Bug? That's a feature."
"Retreat? We're advancing in a different direction."