Yes but your 1st matrix must be positioned to x,y,z 0,0,0 or you will have to offset your ground height check routine. I have a get world hight function that i use - it checks for multi matrix with magic world.
Heres the function.
function world_height(x#,y#,z#,firstmatrix,mat,matx#,matz#)
for a=firstmatrix to (firstmatrix+mat)-1
xx#=matrix position x(a)
zz#=matrix position z(a)
if x# > xx# and x# < xx#+matx#
if z# > zz# and z# < zz#+matz#
yy#=get ground height(a,x#-xx#,z#-zz#)
next a
endfunction grnd#
You call the function by calling the world_height instead of get ground height like so:
then position your camera or object like this
position camera object position x(1),y#,object position z(1)
in the above example
1 the first matrix#,12 is 12 matrix in the total map, 2000,2000 is the size of each matrix
hope that helps
Watch the bouncing cursor - now in 3d