your enthusiasm is right.
niggling at the peanut gallery here is wrong.
people get trapped in these forums and forget what they are doing here, writing games or making tonnes of social comments about all sorts of nonsense.
the advice for some is purely asthetic, you cant please everyone.
commerce sites follow trends and patterns to appeal to the customer.
it takes a great deal of time and effort to get a style that looks right for your ideals and everybodies expectations, unfortunately the intarweb is a lot more connected with trends.
Imagine when a customer prints your page, and cant get it to print as a meer example.
it will turn away a customer.
Re - define what your website goal is and target your demographic.
I think you have a good start with the passion, but execution of the plan might have slid a little as you learn while you develop.
If no-one gives your an answer to a question you have asked, consider:- Is your question clear.- Did you ask nicely.- Are you showing any effort to solve the problem yourself 