Hi, I need lots of money! Please give it to me!
Because I am a poor student with a BIG addiction! TGC implanted subliminal messages into my copy of Dark AI, and now I have to keep buying at least one plugin a week to maintain the addiction! If I don't, I sweat and shake. TGC have me addicted, please help me fill my craving and I'll repay you all by creating brand new games, which I will change you lots for! So please, help a poor, DarkBASIC Professional addict maintain his addiction today!
*legal notice*
TGC does not implant subliminal messaging into any of their products, nor do I have a real addiction. A TGC representitive has not broken into my house, and is in no way holding a gun to my head. My left hand thumb has not been slammed in a draw repeatedly, and my leg feels just fine thank you.
*end legal notice*
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