I currently trying to beat the bugs out of my Inventory System...and I'm infested with them. First I've got the part where I can move ItemSprites around the grid, however I'm trying to implement a Sprite Collision Subrotine, in which I check to see if my Freshly placed Sprite collides with more than 1 other sprite.
So basically how could I produce the sprite numbers of the sprites that are collided with my own. Here's my first approach, but I'm having difficulty with the For Commands:
SPRITE 110, MX, MY, 110
MX = MouseX()
MY = MouseY()
MouseInput = MouseClick()
If MouseInput = 1
Print MX
Print MY
If InventoryPage = 1
FOR Temp_Number =1 TO 54 STEP 1
SpriteCollision = SPRITE COLLISION( 110, Temp_Number)
If SpriteCollision = 1
Wait Key
Item_Activated_n_ = Temp_Number
Goto TempItem_Item_Decide
Next Temp_Number
Anyway how would I go about coding a subrotine that checked for 2 or more sprite collisions and gave the sprite numbers of the buggers? Sorry If I'm not that clear.
"Laugh to scorn the power of man..."