Quote: "But its only 10 characters long! (If the max is 30 then what’s going on?)"
The max is 30 characters INCLUDING some spaces. You cannot have a long column breaking forum name, so use something with less characters in it.
Quote: "Does this mean if I post anything to do with the programs I write that I intend to distribute/sell/etc they can give it away for free with my consent?"
If you've posted the file here, you've already given it away for free, haven't you? It simply means we are allowed to reproduce whatever you upload here, elsewhere, without your consent. In reality all this means is we'd mirror the file on our file server should we mention it in the newsletter.
Quote: "Also, If I post up a Forum avatar will it become property of 'The Game Creators Ltd' or remain my own?"
Nothing you post up becomes our property.
Bite my shiny metal ass