Greetings. Here's a script that is meant to be used with heads. I've managed to use it with my own custom images, combined with an arched bar over the top. It works very well.
Create your own images, and substitute them for the heads referenced in the .fpi file.
Seth Black
;I have made some modifications to the setuplevel.fpi to add the Health Head Systems. This adds ;the Head that are different ;depending of your health. Less health. less beautifull head.
;This script use the head images that are in the directory "gamecore/huds/". The files are "head0" to "head10". This images ;are not copy when you use the build game process. You need to copy manually.
;::::::::::::::::::START SCRIPT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;AIScript from Wizard
desc = Setup Wizard
; Health Heads System by Habatar. Version 1
; Setup Level Stats
; Head Creator
; Setup Game Menu
; All Created, go to Main Game Play
; Main Game
; Head Controler
; Game Menu
;:::::::::::::::::::END SCRIPT::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
;I have add the parts "Head Creator" and "Head controller" and I modify the position of health ;numeric.
;If you change the maximun health you need to adjust the value of the command "plrhealthless" and ;"plrhealthgreater".
;Sweet.. Kinda like Duke-Nukem..
;In "Head Creator", makes the hud images, one per head. You need to made the heads before the ;health counter, this is important.
;The "Head Controler" are a conditions to set the health interval to heads.
;x > 499
;450 > x >500
;400 > x >450
;The actions are simple. Show the correct head, and unshow the other heads.
"...I'm sorry, could you repeat your question a little louder? I'm a trifle deaf in this ear."
- Willie Wonka