I will hit you up on that. I havent posted my progress in WIP yet but I was actually JUST listening to example music from freeplay and owndering if i could pre porduce it my self.
My project is about a year and a half under development and i have some of the basic engine coded. Lots of media gathered and character modelling en route.
My father and mother both are professional musicians and I can see from your point of view quite well, though I inherited a visual art talen instead of the music stuff ^^.
EDIT: just had a listen toy our stuff and it sounds pretty well done!
Transparent power is excellent and has thed rive ill be needing for several scenes.
the menu theme lacked correct equi-balance between the high hat's crisp strike and the other instruments and ambience going on. tho your other pieces show less sign of that.
I'm now listening to march.
this sounds excellent, but as in the other piece (not as defined definately) the percussion seems a bit to crisp and loud mixed with the other instruments. the meldoies and everything are wonderful, but I being a drummer myself find myself doing this alot when imix for performances ect >
Overall I really like your stuff. keep in mind i usually only give detailed criticism's when the work is already above par. otherwise i give begginner tips >
so take this as a compliment and these are just my findings.
I will e-mail you if you reply with a yes to my invitation for work on my game.
formerly KrazyJimmy
I'm the lizard king, I can do anything.