Quote: "Younger siblings are most gullible at two stages in their life. The first is between preschool and first grade, and the second being immediately after they start puberty"
reminds me of the time my friends younger brother (we were like 15 he was 12) asked us how can he make, well, lemmee think of how to say this properly...
he wanted to know how he could expedite the process of the "moss growing around the base of the tree" - if you catch my drift. Anyway, my friend told his brother that everyday when he gets home from school to apply mayonaise and butter to the "area". I nearly died laughing but we insisted and he believed us. A few days later their mom caught him standing in front of the fridge with his pants down, mayonaise jar in hand, in the process of applying the "treatment".
My friend called us and told us to come over - when he told us what happened we died laughing. Poor younger brother was beat red for days, not only for being so gullable, but moreso for getting caught in the awkward position by mom - hahaha
Science, Mathematics, and Physics do not lie - only people do.