Ok people I need a lot of help in knowing exactly what the hell I'm doing when I decrypt a DVD and why some of the weird things that happen when I do finally muddle through the decryption happen. I use DVD decrypter the free program off the internet and PSPVideo9 to Transcode it. When I transcoded half of the DVD episode I wanted to put on my PSP it worked fine. But the second half has translated itself into a Spanish lesson which I do not want to take. Can anyone tell me A)Why its in spanish for no apparent reason?
B)What a GOOD FREE decrypter is?
C)If I can put a DVD with menus onto the PSP
Sorry if I sound really retarded but I never got into the DVD ripping craze for some reason or other.
If all of you really smart rippers out there need more information on my problem just ask and I will provide. BTW I was ripping a single episode of Firefly off of my DVD of three episodes and it split automatically into two parts.