Avenging Eagle,
Dont know what you are like at scripting?
It can be done fairly easily if you have some knowledge.
Firtsly you need ensure you have a waypoint stop statement at the top of the characters script file and then insert a waypoint stop command inside the body of the script itself.
The script needs to have a command to call the waypoint stop at start of script (and level start) and call the idle animation so that the character waits and just looks at the player or not until you want him to move - a waypoint start and walk animation call does that - before he gets to the end of the waypoint and stops as using an iserted waypoint stop command again.
Of course you need to have an additional command to instigate when the character actually starts to move along the path - perhaps the easiest thing to do to achieve this is use a plrdistwithin=? command.
All this sounds quite complicated and I guess it is - achieveing non default behaviours for characters inside FPSC is not easy and can require some considerable effort.
Let me know how you get on.
If you get stuck - PM me and I will try see if I can help out but you may need give me a little time.
I have the scripts to do it. It can be done so dont despair.
"I am and forever will be your friend"