Ive got linux on my iPod with iDoom and everything... its basically a load of crap... doesnt do anything, except I keep it on there because it has a metronome that I use while drumming to make sure I'm on beat and everything. Thats teh only reason.
iDoom only looks good in color, and Ive got a G3 iPod 20gig black and white clickwheel everything.
Its just to make yourself look cool. I'm fairly certain that the games on the PSP are better than those on windows 95 XD. and the PSP OS can do more things anyways.
The iPod linux is a load of crap, seeing as its got a different kernel its based on... they only call it linux because thats what they were shooting for. So they put that kind of file system on it and called it linux... its not even based on the linux kernel.
formerly KrazyJimmy
Prayers for rain...