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Geek Culture / zealous is back! well, minus the ous

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Joined: 10th Oct 2002
Location: Colorado Springs, CO
Posted: 11th Oct 2002 00:21
hello everyone. no i didnt die. and it wasnt one of my usual programming burnouts either. i actually got up one day and decided to move from colorado to florida. dont ask why.

zealous who? well i havent done a whole lot in db, but i did make a couple games (if you still have a copy of the ultra rare, critically acclaimed "super fun happy game", consider yourself lucky). my latest game, perplexed has been on hold for some time due to the whole cross country move thing. now im kinda waiting to get my hands on dbpro to see what i can improve.

if youre curious about perplexed, the old dusty screens are still up at...

anyway, just got my new email ( if youd like to know) so i thought id sign up on the forums. good to be back, bye for now.
All you need is zeal
Rpg Cyco
Years of Service
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Joined: 26th Aug 2002
Location: Australia
Posted: 11th Oct 2002 06:37
Heya Zeal. I remember seeing you face around the forums! Good to have you back!


Rpg Cyco - My Website & Forums
Specs: PIII - 866MHz, 128MB SDRAM, 8MB SiS 630, 17inch monitor, 18.6GB HDD 5400rpm, Win ME, DX8.1b, 56k Modem

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