ok,,here is 1 bridge that is finished. It's an old wooden bridge, similiar to the ones in HL2. I have been running into issues with players getting stuck in places in the other bridges, so I am going to work on that problem before I give out anymore.
This one is tested and works correctly. The texturing on the posts isnt what I would prefer for a final model, but it's the best I could do for right now as texturing isnt my strong suit, well, either is modeling but I am starting to give it a shot.
The other bridges will/if ever, be released when I figure out the collision issues going on with them.
To use this, simply extract the entire folder to your entitybank/user folder. The bridge itself is 1/2 of a wooden bridge, so it can be used with 1 piece for a partial bridge or a dock, or use 2 of them and rotate 1 as needed to make a complete walk over wooden bridge.
The pic I posted is showing 2 entities making a complete bridge.
The texture in the pic is not the updated one either.
If you want to make the bridge larger in scale, open the fpe file supplied with in the folder and change the scale properties. ( associate the fpe file with notepad for those who dont already know)
Here is the link for the wooden bridge
Thanks for your patience and I hope to get the other bridge finished as soon as the issue is taken care of.