I post here because I now have some fixes I've made for the next upcoming eXtends 1.2 release.
Actually, the fixes are the following ones :
RTSkySystem :
- fixed the problem with sun transparency effet.
- Added support for PNG and their Transparency capabilities.
If you've found any bug that weren't mentionned, post them here and I'll the list when fixed until 1.2 will be released.
Here is a small snapshot of "RTS Big City" skybox using PNG and Transparency
Users asks :
* Basic2D : PNG support in XGui
* Basic2D : Custom size support in XGui
* Basic2D : resize windows.
* RTSkySystem: support rain or snow from RTSkySystem
* RTSkySystem: Add storms (thunders) system
* RTSkySystem: Add lightning with thunders.
* RTSkySystem: Capability to get the actual weather level ( rain, with sun, with rain)
* RTSkysystem: when it is raining, the sky turns gray and the sun is less visible
* RTSkySystem: lenseflare on the sun would be a beautiful effect
* RTskySystem: like if it was raining, will there be thicker fog? (fog is closer to the camera)
* RTSkySystem: Able to scale the skybox, because it is too small
* RTSkySystem: Use PNG transparency [DONE]
* Images/Bitmap: get/set bitmap/image colour x,y,colour
* Images/Bitmap: get/set bitmap/image red/green/blue/alpha x,y,byte
* Text: searches for strings within a string,
* Text: replace strings within a string,
* Text: eliminate all spaces within a string,
* Text: search for a keyword, and parameters:
(For example, if the word "ABC" was in the string "ABCD" it
would not count, but if the word, with the set amount of
parameters with the token "," could be found, then it would
return a 1, if not 0, and if it did return a 1, you use a
"find next parameter" command, to find the next parameter of
the last given string.)
* Text: set case sensitive
(Set a "case sensitive" marker to true, or false)
* Basic3D: eXport to .x
* Basic3D: eXport to .b3d
NOTE : I will not add all these request but, I'll check on the one I can do.
All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us.