you need nero to burn a bootable CD rom.
there is 97 pages of instalation instructions so Gentoo isnt a good idea.
Wehn you initialize grub in the /boot/grub/grub.conf after you have mounted and chrooted onto the /bin/bash you need to make sure you use
/dev/cdrom instead of /mnt/cdrom ect.
gentoo is not for begginners, I reccommend Fedora if this is your first time.
Just remember that you need burn from ISO, not just put the file on there.
If you wanna still go at it be my guest but it was a pain in the arse for me to install gentoo.
I dual boot gentoo and XP but until your at the stage in the installation AFTER compiling the kernel and/or emerging genkernel (if you dont want to compile manually) you set up your grub loader configuration file
just remember grub starts counting hard drives at 0
so me having a sata drive my /dev/sda1 (actually is my windows partition) is to grub (hda 0,0)
the first number is device number, the second is for partitions.
also you need to have a 512 MB swap space and an 80KB or so boot partition.
Swap is a Linux Swap/Solaris and its number 82 in the config file
the boot drive needs to be an EXT2 and the leftover probably partition 4 since you have windows, needs to be an EXT3.
if you have no idea about what I'm saying, installing gentoo will be for one pointless and inefficient, and two hard as hell.
Why do you need to work in a linux environment?
formerly KrazyJimmy
Prayers for rain...