By the grace of God I was able to remember most of what I did.
So, here's the update:
I had to remove the progress bar, it was slowing it down drastically, and I added two radio buttons, Unrestrict and Restrict.
Unrestrict is the old slow method, but can create any size of tilesets you want, Restrict is the new, and faster way, to create tilesets, the only downfall is that you are restricted to a maximum size of 1024 x 1536.
With the Restrict I was able to make a tileset from 96, 128 x 128, images in about 1 min. 48 sec., whereas it would've take up to 10 times that for the old method.
Restrict may still be kinda buggy, but it is quite faster.
Since I had to remove the progress bar, I added a message box that will let you know when it's done.
Also, because it would create blank slots if there is an odd number of images, it will load the first image up, get the upper-left most pixel color, and use that to clear the screen, so use an image that will not jepordize that, make sure that the first pixel is not part of the image.
Let me know how it works.
Forgot to say that when you use the Restrict function, just click the auto-calc button, it still needs to have rows and columns in order to work.
I have a lil' white jacket that lets me hug myself forever.