Ok, that's settled. And we all had our fun posting funny/ridicules pictures, but lets actually try this time. And yeah, that includes you too Fallout. We all know you're the king of tasteless comedy, but bear with us on this one!
edit: Eh, posts are being made as rules being updated. No one is gonna bother following this, best to just start fresh new organized thread.
@Agent Dink: If you're gonna decide to make a new thread, copy and paste these new rules in
1) The picture you reply with must not exceed the cost (Yes, that's currency) of twice the original thing in the picture.
Picture of a laptop
Good reply picture: Barbeque grill
Bad reply picture: A tank.
2) If there is a conflict between whether one pictures beats the other, Megaton and Agent Dink will judge and decide. It's just faster this way and will keep things moving.
3) There will be times when 2 or more people will reply with a picture at the same time. If you were not the very first to get the post, even if off by a few seconds, please respectfully edit out your post. Lets keep stuff clean here.
4) Don't post porn. Nothing can defeat porn.
5) Seriously, enough with the joke/prank pictures already. Odds are, it's been done dozens of times/thought of dozens of times. You are the opposite of funny. (What's that? Unfunny? Yes.)
6) Don't post images that stretch the thread page!!! Most annoying!!!
New Catfolio.net coming soon!