Ok, so here's the deal. You post a link, just one, to something that you've seen recently that you thought was really cool. It can be geeky, news worthy, techie, gamer, a podcast, a photo, YouTube, whatever. You can qualify why you thought it was cool with a little blurb about it, but don't go overboard. Ideally don't post more than one link per day, just pick your 'coolest'.
The only other rule - no pr0n.
Also, let's try to not just re-create the Digg front page here please
Original is cool.
I'm hoping that if enough of us keep posting cool links it will give all readers something new to plug into their browser, and just be good fun. I figured it'd be neat to do this after getting extremly bored 10mins after my usual web surfing session tonight. Ok.. fill my bookmarks people
I'll start the ball rolling in the next post.
Bite my shiny metal ass