well, the annoying Bulk is back! this time I'm showing some of the stuff that will be in a future FPS WIP (still the one from the zombie thread, but I'm gonna get rid of the zombies).
AI I'm working on... it's in an early stage but is coming on well,It's about as smart as a spanner in a rubber glove...
and is just a Function showcase, so the "character" (if we can call IT that) is ugly as hell.
A small level extracted from my game, got some nice stuff going on, and the movement system is optimized for crap PC's... try shooting the cieling if you want to see a nice feature.
I will be dishing out the source when I'm done (but I never really manage to finish my games, so if I give up I'll still dish out).
I just wanted to give a special thanks to Sparky (don't even know the dude), for making the collision dlls... the foundation of my work!!! Cheers