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2D All the way! / Vegita Walking 2D

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Posted: 8th Apr 2003 14:57
well here is the picture
size of every box is 130X169
some one can give me an example code how to make it walking on a black screen F and B ??
cause i really dont know how 2do it
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Posted: 8th Apr 2003 15:03

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 02:27
VeGITa ....... LOL !! well said

Well if you want to make him walk using 2D images, then you need every frame of the walk ( not just a start frame and an end frame ) you need the inbetween frames too.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 10:03
I hope thats not your final format and this is a low res version.

If u look a the file in a paint package, currently your alpha channel
is messed up and denoted by grey areas that are 0,0,0 with the other parts not being constant around your sprite.


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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 10:55
use corel photopaint to fix that
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 12:12
that depends if this is the final or a copy and corel is crap compared to other applications if u wanted to save your self some sanity.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 13:47
this is not the final format !!!!
the final format lookin much better !
but some one can plz tell me how to make him walking ??
i know how to get one box from the image and sprite it but i dont know how to make it move !!!!
some one can post a code or something ?

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 13:49
That could just be Jpeg compression doing that that to his picture

Yeah once you do turn him into a sprite and animate him, he's only gonna look right if you put a skateboard under his front foot

ZX Spectrum 48k Issue 3, Radio shack Tape drive, Rank arena 12" T.V. set.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 15:52 Edited at: 9th Apr 2003 16:51
-That could just be Jpeg compression doing that that to his picture

My thought exactly,it was obvious too that the conversion would've affected it since even bmp's or TGA's give a hard time if you don't pay attention.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 16:25
firstly its veGEta ... hate people who get it wrong do your sodding homework if you wanna use the names.
second animation is simple

there are better ways but thats the simplist

Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 17:16
VEGETA / Raven take a look at ur code , cause it all messd up !!!
dont forget that the size of each box is 130X169 and i didnt saw it in ur code ! , DBP cant understand this line
"if flip=0 : flip=1 : mirror sprite(1) : endif"
"set bitmap 1"
the last two ive understand anyway and fixed them but the first one didnt get it !

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 19:53
koop = loop

It's not the size of your code but how efficiently you use it!
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 20:44
this is my prob ": "if flip=0 : flip=1 : mirror sprite(1) : endif"

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 21:13 Edited at: 9th Apr 2003 21:23
The correct syntax is:

"if flip=0 : flip=1 : mirror sprite 1 : endif"

It's not the size of your code but how efficiently you use it!
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 21:39
And that's so you don't need him going both ways, you just mirror the animation of him facing one way

ZX Spectrum 48k Issue 3, Radio shack Tape drive, Rank arena 12" T.V. set.
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 21:42
1234 1234 can anyone see him doing waltz steps there as like i can at 4am

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 22:15
A waltz is 3 beats.

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 22:42
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 23:09
image number ilegall line 4
"get image i,i*32,0,32+(i*32),128"
and another thing ! i can seem to find in the code the command the says that each box size is 130x169 !
can someone post me n working code ?

Shadow Robert
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 23:13
no... it wasn't ment to bloody work... it was ment so you figured it out for yourself.

it doesn't take a genius to make it work with what you have, don't be so lazy

Tsu'va Oni Ni Jyuuko Fiori Sei Tau!
One block follows the suit ... the whole suit of blocks is the path ... what have you found?
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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 23:13
and when i cahnge it to 1,i*32,0,32+(i*32),128" im gettin a black screen ! !. i dont need only code ! i need to know how to do it too so plz post a working code with details of every command and what shes doin !

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Posted: 9th Apr 2003 23:41 Edited at: 9th Apr 2003 23:43
This code should work, however, I dont think the all the x and y values of each image is equal, and also there is a bad looking green line between each image ^_^, but this code should help you somewhat anyway.

Edit: To see the code, press the source button under my post.
Rich: Cool code box

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Posted: 10th Apr 2003 02:25
k , ive cheacked ur code and i got it ! but the only thing i see is the image animation running in the same place , i want him stand normal and if right key then move right with animation ! can u put the right commands to make him walking ?

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Posted: 10th Apr 2003 02:27
o and about the green lines ! in the bitamp file in my pc there arent green lines ! ive put it there just to see the size of each box !

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Posted: 10th Apr 2003 07:26
just add Move sprite 10, 0, 0 to the loop

(don't quote the numbers, I'm too tired to remember which is the y axis)

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Posted: 10th Apr 2003 14:30
I still think you should put a skateboard under his leading foot...

ZX Spectrum 48k Issue 3, Radio shack Tape drive, Rank arena 12" T.V. set.
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Posted: 10th Apr 2003 15:02
this animation was tested in some game and she works GREAT !!!
but i still didnt understand how to make it walk !!!!

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Posted: 10th Apr 2003 16:26
you could make it move around with the mouse

once u have your sprite number

you could use a similar line of code in your main loop
the first one is the sprite number then we update the sprite
always to the mouse position so it has to be in the main loop.
finally the tag one at the end is the texture number so u will want
to add a variable here for flipping the sprite cells.

sprite 1,mousex(),mousey(),1

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Posted: 12th Apr 2003 15:29
I was bored so I quickly made this code to show you how to make Vegeta walk. I scaled the vegeta image to 520,340 though to make it more workeable, so if you want to run this code directly, you'll have to do that too.

Whatever I did I didn't do it!
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Posted: 12th Apr 2003 22:15
still cant run ! here is the error , cannot grab image line 13 , .......... all i ever wanted is to make him walk in dbp

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Posted: 13th Apr 2003 13:55 Edited at: 13th Apr 2003 13:56
Use this image saved as vegeta.jpg and put it in the same folder as the .dba file:

The size has been changed so its easier to grab multiple images, and most of the non-black parts of the background have been changed to black.

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Posted: 4th Jun 2003 17:05
Im not a DB programmer, but I have been programming sinced '85 and everyone is making things harder than they really are.

Here is the basic design for movement, you will have to supply the code, but at least you have the framework.

set a variable to indicate character state...
ChState = 0 :standing 1:walking left 2: walking right

Begin Constant Loop

Clean Screen
Draw your character according to ChState, either walking or stand

now have some type of IF statements to change your characters x,y
if he is in a walking left or right state according to ChState

(optional) get chars x,y pos and sore in backup vars like ox, oy

Querry the input device, to see if a key has been pressed

have an IF check keys
depending if a key is pressed, leftarrow or rightarrow or none
change his ChState to 0,1 or 2

check if key has been pressed to escape the constant loop ESC
If so, exit your loop

(optional) check if collision, and if so, set character's
x,y to ox, and oy so he bounces back from collision

Loop back to top of Constant Loop

sorry I cant give you any code, but with the basic chain of events you can look in tutorials and such to find commands that do each step in the process, and plug them in.
Hope this helps

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Posted: 27th Jun 2003 22:55
Get TextConverter plus

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