Dark Basic is probaly the easiest you're gonna get for programming, although some parts are kind of difficult to grasp later on (like getting a working sliding collison that works properly, but there are snippets laying around for those)
At first I was skeptic about Dark Basic, when I was on this site (At the time I hate 3 choices, DBC, DBP or The 3D Gamemaker) and I chose DBC(and later got DBP) 3D gamemaker didn't seem to live up to what I wanted and although I would have to put myself through some coding, I actually found it wasn't so bad as it seemed, most of the DB code is quite simple and looks like 'move object 1,10' which basically moves the object you've made and labeled '1' by 10 units.
But it does take some learning to do, then you've got creating 3D graphics as well, but for most people its quite simple.
But try all of the demos you can, when using DBP or/and DBC, try to learn as much as you can in the trial, ask for help. With FPSC, thats a good program, its rather buggy at the moments and the have planned for updating, but DBP and DGSDK have been undergoing their updates. FPSC is quite drag and drop, you can add your own media to it, rather than just having to focus on the default media. Its a good program for what it is. Check them all out and see what you think afterwards.