1. for spawning an item,.. just put a trigger where the player will walk through it and set MAIN as the plyrinzoneifused.fpi
2. place the entity you want spawned where ever you want it spawned. and set SPAWN AT START to NO. You can rename the entity anything you want.
3. right click on the trigger and in the IF USED field type in the name of the entity you just placed. If you want,.. you can even set mutltiple entities with the same name and as long as the name in the IF USED field is the same,.. it will spawn all of them. (ALWAYS remember to set SPAWN AT START as no if you want the entity to not spawn untill triggered.)
I hope that helps some.
Now,.. about the delayed waypoint thing. I have yet to really learn the scripting,.. but there is a script called chasedelayed.fpi and you could maybe look at that and see how they scripted the delay state and somehow include it at the beginning of a custom .fpi file based on pace.fpi and/or follow.fpi (the pace.fpi is hostile= the enemy will pace a waypoint and call a shoot.fpi if you are sighted. The follow.fpi is passive= the enemy will follow a waypoint and ignore you.)
It would be fairly easy I think to make a custom fpi based on either of the waypoint following fpi files so that the enemy will stop at the end of the waypoint. It should be possible to make the enemy die when they reach the end of the waypoint. (that would be useful if you want a character to follow a waypoint out of sight and dissapear. I might try that as my first attempts at scripting.
I like pie.