I would post this question on the yahoo group for the book but the last post I did there on March 10 still has not been answered! I did send a e-mail to the author and got a response a few days later, thinking I may get a faster response here!
I'm on chapter 10, the current bitmap program starting on page 286. I
understand most of the code but I'm having 2 problems
1. the LOAD BITMAP "circles.bmp", source command, I'm not sure what source is for?
2. On page 287 the command
COPY BITMAP source, N*32, 0, N*32+31, 32, N, 0, 0, 32, 32
I understood the command the way it was explained in the book but this command I don't understand, N*32 0,N*32+31
I know N is a variable for 1 To maxballs but I don't understand why it is being mutliplyed by 32 or why it is being mutliplyed by 32 then adding 31 to it
I have found in most books the commands are explained ok but when they use them there are alot of extra numbers and formulas in the commands that are never fully explained and that makes it hard for a noob to understand!
any help would be great If anyone without the book needs code let me know.
any help would be great, thanks
Scott Wolfe