Not sure what your asking exactly but for a text adventure the easiers way would be to start with the initial screen and then have ain input and depending on the imput depends on were you go from there
various variables
sword = false
axe = false
gun = false
function start
print on screen "You are in a house upstairs its a nice house blah blah blah, exits lead downstairs, North is the bathroom, east is the master bedroom.
if sword = flase the print "there is a sword here"
Input "Tell me what to do";answer$
If answer$ = "north" goto bathroom
If answer$ = "east" goto masterbedroom
If answer$ = "downstairs" goto Hall
If answer$ = "get sword" or "pick up sword" then sword = true
fuction bathroom
print on screen "You are in the bath room, there is a bath etc etc etc
exits lead south"
input "tell me what to do";answer$
If answer$ = "south" then goto start
If etc etc etc
function materbedroom
print on screen "You in the master bedroom blah blah blah exits lead blah blah"
Input "tell me what to do";answer$
If answer$ = etc etc etc
fuction downstairs
print o screen "you are downstairs etcv etc etc"
input "tell me what to do";answer$
if etc etc etc
Basicly have a start point and from there get input from the player and dependin on what they type depends on which part of the progrma the code will jump to, you can have varibles to hold values of items etc so that if sword = true and you type later "kill monster with sword" you can code a result with if statemensts
IF answer$ = "kill mosnter with sword" and sword = false print on screen "You cant you dont have the sword" else do the battle bit
its not the most economical way of codeing this type of thing but it wil work and its a simple way of doing it, i dont know what your codeing caperbilitys are you question seemed to ask about the basic idea.
You can have at the styart another input selection for characters
print on screen "Choose your character"
Print "Ork"
Print "Wizard"
Print "human"
input "Choose a character";char$
Then as with the loactions you can assigne various values to each character you may with to impliment later in the game such as
IF char$ = "Wizard" then magic = 10 stamina = 5 strength = 4
If char$ = "Ork" then magic = 0 stanina = 8 strenth = 10
So you can build up various values for each charater and later in the game if a battle is going on and the user types in "attack elf with sword"
the elf can have values of strength and when you deduct hit point off from the elf they can reflect the vlaues in stregth
ie Elf stamina = elf stamina - stregth
the elfs stamina gets deducted from it the value of strength wich will vary depending on which character you choose.
Ok i hope this gives you a few pointers if nothing else
REMEMBER the code above is psudocode, its not a real reprisentation of dark basic codeing, its just a coded outline of how to takle this
Ive been away from DB for a while whilst a collage studying Visual Basic, and i cant remember the exact sytax for everything.
I know its confuseing a little but its late here and im off to bed
if yuou wanted to be real good there are more effective ways of doing this, for instance to code values for characters you could use the DATA command
DATA ORK,0,8,10
etc etc