Quote: "what fourteen year olds think Clay Aiken's dreamy? Yourself? I mean, I haven't read anywhere where that's what people think of him."
Set foot inside a junior high school recently? Even a high school. I have go to the junior high to pick up my little brother and have heard snippets of conversation about American Idol and even when I was in junior high was when the first season was out and Clay Aiken's image was very appealing to many junior high girls.
Speaking of Elvis Costello, his wife is hot. Jazz pianist==sexy;
Personally, I think Duality's alright. Other stuff I've heard from Slipknot has been subpar though. Dragonforce doesn't have a whole lot of creative thought going into their songwriting, but their music sounds mostly happy and is really fast and cool. I sound like a retarded football jock when I say that, but hey--it's appealing to me.
That really is a crime that the producers would nix solos. That's half the fun of playing in a band.
I see five tiers of music in ascending order of "worthiness of my analytical attention".
1. Trash (people don't write their own songs or let the producers do everything for them)
2. People with potential who need to work on songwriting skills.
3. Good music. Like corporate rock (see: Boston album). Not trying to get funky
4. Good music with an unique edge. Maybe the musicians aren't as talented or they're just starting to experiment, or want to experiment but also would like to stay in a genre because either they enjoy working in the genre or want to maintain income. Slightly Stoopid would fit in here.
5. Revolutionary. Think Pink Floyd, the Beatles. Beatles are old hat now but in their time they were pushing things. What more needs to be said about Pink Floyd? He wrote a french opera for goodness' sake.
I regularly listen to 3-5s, keep 2s saved on my computer, and put 1s in my microwave.
I'm going to eat you!