Ive managed to use a G3 350mhz Risc PPC with 384 megs of ram and an ATI 16 meg card as my media centre node.
It works a treat but I had to deploy the VLC player as Quicktime out of the box is not ubeh codec savvy unless you buy a pro licence, so the VLC is a free solution.
wavs and divx and wmvs is why i went VLC
The MC runs 10.3.9 OSX without frontrow (Apples Media Centre Interface like microsofts)
I was streaming King Kong Last night from a rip I did on my original to test it and it was glorious!
I connected the Plasma to the mac via VGA, there is a DVI port ill wrangle with later.
My PIII 933 has just become the back end for all the video and music, streaming to the mac was so easy and still ran fine with one network card at only 10 baseT.
I can have picture in picture or split screen which is what you see in the photos below.
The left side of these pictures is cable tv in australia under foxtel in SVideo.
MY plasma wont allow HDTV on one side and VGA on the other, none to shabby however.
very clear and responsive.
Because I run a unix variant Ive also managed to control the g5 in the other room with the 350mhz MC. woot. still dont have clustering as not all network is 1000bt.
Theres a lot of windows programs that can do this so you could harvest an old pc and do just the same thing here.
even a linux box with a tripy UI would rock!
I built this partly for myself, but now when i bring over clients I can plop them down on the couch and do the promos on the plasma!!!
I have to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse now to complete the illusion.
I have done nothing with the audio, a 7.1 system and an amplifier is down the track but a little way off yet.
I have yet to try a full fps game on this setup as its very early days.
Dont succumb to the next media centre gadgets, build your own one, I know you can. yes you.
anyway heres a couple of photos
Picture 1