I see by doing a search that this dose not come up so even though many may have this, and it's listed many times though out the forums I'm only placing this in it's own thread so the search engine can find it in an attempt to quell any future request for this.
3DWin converts entire scene files, including solids, meshes with vertex normals, (u,v) texture coordinates, texture mapping parameters, image maps, lights and cameras. Just load the translated model into your favorite 3D program and press the render button.
Using 3DWin you'll never again have to spend hours hand-tweaking a 3D model.
System Requirements:
Minimum Hardware-Requirements
Windows 98ME/W2K/XP
512 MB RAM, CPU 1GHz and more
Recommend Hardware-Requirements
Windows W2K/XP
1024 MB RAM, CPU 2 GHz and more
Registration with tb-software is required for
long-term use of software.