You could certainly achieve a simulated stealth type game using lighting and shadow areas to hide/show the player to enemies utilising a combination of clever level design and placement of the appropraite lighting of the level.
It requires understanding of how FPSC works and careful planning of how you will achieve what you want to.
Using a combination of scripting for enemies and trigger zones or similar triggers (any object can be a trigger) which I dont see would be tedious to set up at all any more than setting up any other form of in game scenarios with control of interaction with enemies. Its hard work to set up such things with precise control whatever the need. If you dont put in the effort or are not prepared to then you wont achieve the unorthodox approach to these kinds of behaviours.
Clever use of shadowing of textures would add a lot of credibility to the overall success - and even that is a lot of hard work to do in making specific textures. Use of carefully placed obects to guide player and enemies where you want them to go in the level and use of paths for enemies could be helpful in controlling the scenarios.
I cant however say how successful an attempt would be at the end of the day - again it needs someone to do it.
You could surely get a good indication by making a small test level scenario before embarking on a large scale project.
If you are not prepared for a lot of hard work forget it - otherwise....
Go for it.
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