hah. Yeah,I will probably just release the source to my engine. But the reason I would wrap the engine to dbp is because of the fact that sometimes dbps interface can be easier. So it'd be like using some of dbps commands with my own and with the dbp editor
The good thing is that the engine is developed in dev cpp(FREE!!!),so you can easily use it. It does have a basic command set. You will still have to know how to use classes and pointers of course(like for example,to load an object:
WCObject* pObj = createObject("filename.ms3d");
I made it as easy as I could,without losing power. Like right now,you can easily gain access from the functions so you can add more stuff from irrlicht,like say you wanted a scene node animator for collision on an object,and you didn't like my commands,you could just do this:
IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* pSceneNode = pObj->getSceneNode();
I'm also integrating newton physics. That is being stubborn at the moment,but it is coming along. Plus....FREE GUI!!!!!
Working on DBIrr. Done so far : objets,lights,cameras,billboarding. To come: newton game dynamics support,Animation blending with cal3d.