I haven't gotten much work done over the past week (exams), but I had my last one today. There are alot of things I want to do to Nuclear Winter. ALOT!
1) Replace ALL of the textures in the game, as well as making new ones to make the environment look better. Currently, several completely different objects all use the same texture (such as vents, counter tops and kitchen tables all using the same texture). This is something I'm going to change. I've replaced all of the existing textures (this time I created all of them myself), but there are alot more to make: Bed frame, chair, desk, sign, counter top, sink, toilet, plant pot, stall, bench, glass, big lights (outside in caves), floor numbers in stairs, railing, stairs, kitchen tables, pipes, elevator, elevator shaft, elevator door, console, radiation suit containers, storage cabinets, pilliar, support beams, gray things in hallways for cover, containers for green flow (the room with the green lights), pipes for the same flow, walls ceiling and floor for that room, red glowing walls, computer shelfs, super computers, machines in third map, workstations, main frames, computer screens, plasma bridge and its machinery, supports for high walkways.
2) I'll be adding more rooms to each map that you don't need to even walk into, just so there's more to see and places where you'll need to think... "Which way should I go?"
3) I'll be adding alot more detail to each map, such as computers and consoles on desks, more supports for the rooms, much better railings, more vents, etc.
4) I'll have to re texture the entire level. As it is the UV mapping is horrible. (You can see the difference that makes in my last screenshot)
5) I'll be lightmapping the maps again, this time without lowering the resolution to improve loading speed. (Most of that is the computer's job, however)
6) This time, I'll be using seperate collision maps.
7) I found out that the collision problems where the sliding collision doesn't work is caused by the walls being too far away from the objects origin, so I'll be scaling everything down to about 1/10th of it's current size.
8) I'll be using multithreading to load the map objects you can see while the collision maps are loading. Just enough that you can see everything when you start and load the rest while you play.
9) I'll also be using multithreading to run parts of the code that don't need to be run all the time, such as positioning the 7 vertex lights near lightmapped lights as you move.
10) I'll improve the code for positioning the vertex lights to stop you from seeing unlit objects suddenly become bright.
11) Need to remake textures for all 14 of the weapons, reanimate them, and remodel parts of them. As it is, each weapon has several textures, and is animated by moving different objects using code. (I didn't get any software for animating until I needed to create the enemies). By the way, the weapons in the game are: Pistol, Revolver, SMG, Chain gun, Shotgun, Jackhammer shotgun, Plasma gun, Pulse gun, Rocket launcher, Biogun, Sniper rifle, Energy rifle, Frag grenade, Energy grenade.
12) Improve particle effects, and add more effects such as sparks flying off of a wall when you shoot it.
13) Make new textures for the enemies, and model them and animate them again. I think I'll make the purple enemy red instead.
14) This one is simple: Make the player taller
15) I'm thinking of having 4 maps in the Dormitory level instead of 3, so I'll have to make another map before the demo.
16) Add button to select your last used weapon.
17) Make three new enemy types.
18) Improve enemy AI, and add pathfinding.
19) Add enemies again to all of the maps, this time with more enemies in large areas.
20) Detect wheather or not the computer supports cube maps, and load either the cube map flashlight or projection flashlight accordingly.
21) Add support for using a gamepad.
22) Add an option to select an aspect ratio: 4:3 or 16:9
If anyone has any other ideas, I'd like to hear them.
Quote: "Hi, please post screen shots of your games into the Gallery if you get chance."
I definately will when I'm done everything it the list.