Virgin mobile has decent no-contract pay-as-you-go phones. But you'll save A LOT of money with a contract, honestly. I used to work at Radioshack at one point and I saw how ripped off people got with pay-as-you-go phones, especially the Tracfones. If you get a two-year contract, you can usually get the phone for free or discounted (the last I knew, the Razr with a 2 year service plan was $59.99 through Cingular, brand-spanking new, my brother and his girlfriend have matching Razr's) If you have bad credit, they often charge a deposit, but that deposit goes toward future bills after a set period of time (90 days if I remember correctly, was a while ago though), so basically you're just pre-paying when you pay a deposit. Seriously, contracts are better and WAY cheaper if you're going to talk more than 120 minutes per month. When I worked at Radioshack we had this guy come in EVERY WEEK and buy a $20 card for his tracfone. Every week! So he was spending about $80 per month on his pay-as-you-go phone, when he could have gotten a contract at $39.99/ month with a FREE phone from Cingular, which had far better service (I think they probably still do), and in three months he would have had his deposit placed toward his bills, making it even cheaper still... but he didn't take my word for it because he thought I was trying to get a sale out of him, which I didn't do (and that's why I quit btw, I think talking people into stuff they don't need is selfish, stupid, and otherwise wrong). Anyway, there's my 2 cents.
"In an interstellar burst, I'm back to save the universe"