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Newcomers DBPro Corner / A Complete Guide to Gamemaking

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 17th Sep 2006 00:19 Edited at: 8th Jan 2007 02:48
Hey, I've decided that after seeing so many noobs not having a clue what they were getting into or how to do anything, and seeing noone understand what making games is, I am going to write a complete guide to making a game. While focusing on DBP, many of it's concepts will apply to all games. I'm writing it like an FAQ about game making. I'm currently done with one question and about halfway through the second. I hope to continually update this until it's finished. It's long, but maybe it will help (if anyone can get through it that is, lol ). So, here it is, tell me what you think so far...

HOw DoO I lyEk mAk UbEr GaMeZ?!?!?
How do I make a game?
First you have to understand it's not a walk in the park, so to speak, but it's not impossible. You won't produce the next “Halo” or “Grand Theft Auto” in three months, because games like those take professionals years to make, and they work with teams of many people, I don't want to guess, because it varies, but I'd say the largest games can have up to 150-200 people working on them. So, how can you get started on this game-making adventure now that you've decided it's worth the time and your ready to dive into the wonderful world of game-making? Well you can start by looking at games in a whole new light. After joining the rare breed of nerds known as programmers and game-makers, I, and I would assume other programmers as well, begin to look at games in an entirely different way. As an example:

Let's say your a normal gamer playing a game like “Call of Duty” (A World War II FPS, or First Person Shooter), and your an Allied soldier fighting in the streets of some Western European city that your squad and you are liberating. There's a Nazi rifleman in a window taking potshots at your squad, and two machine gunners below suppressing your squad, who are hiding behind different barriers. “Why can't they have more squad guys than just 4, it'd be cool to have a huge group”, you think. And then decide, “I need to use my rifle to pick of that rifleman”, so you hit the button to switch to your rifle, and your hands go off the screen, and come back with a rifle, just like they should. Crouching behind a small brick wall you pop up and shoot at the rifleman when he comes off, hitting him in the head, but he doesn't die. You shoot him again, and he falls down and dies this time. Now you set your sights on the machine gunners. One of your guy's runs forward and is gunned down. “Idiot”, you think. So you switch to your machine gun, and shoot at the two guys that are shooting at you, killing them. Your Sergeant tells your squad to move forward and your comrades walk forward. Nothing strange about that scene, everything works like it should it appears.
Now lets take that same scene from a programmers perspective:
Your an Allied soldier fighting in the streets of some Western European city that your squad and you are liberating. “Good level design”, you think, “It's hard to notice that I'm being forced down a specific path.” A Nazi rifleman begins shooting at your squad, who are ducking behind cover, then hiding back beside the window. “Decent AI (Artificial Intelligence), at least they take cover”, as you look at the enemy soldiers as well as your own hiding and shooting. You realize the reason the squad count is so low is because the people are “high poly” and to have to many of them would eat up the “FPS”(Frames Per Second”. You switch to your rifle to take out the enemy rifleman, your hands animate to switch weapons. “Nice animation, seems real yet isn't hard to do”, you think. You shoot the rifleman in the head and he doesn't die. “Wonder if they have limb detection...if so they need to make the headshot a kill”. One of your squad members runs forward and is gunned down. “Idiot, wonder why they didn't fix that before they released the game”. You switch back to your machine gun and shoot at the people firing at you, killing them. Your Sergeant tells your squad to move forward. “Must be scripted to where he says that when you kill those three guys”. And you continue on down the war-torn street to help your squad...

See the difference? You look at games from a more technical standpoint, and you realize the work that went into them. Of course they're still fun, but it's just...different. Okay, now that I've bored you to death with an example of how you'll see things differently, lets get to the question, how do you make a game? Well, like I've said, it's not easy. There are many parts that make a game, some you may have never thought of before. What are these parts? Design, programming, modeling, sound engineering, composing, world building, texturing, testing, and animating are the main ones. So, you may have no idea what some or all of those were, or maybe you do, so I'll go through each of them, and try to make it as not-boring as possible.

What exactly is programming? Well, programming is pretty much you commanding the computer what to do. It's like the director of the action, it brings everything together, and directs everything to where it should go. What you do as a programmer is combine different commands to complete a task, something many people fail to realize.

To help illustrate, I'll make a comparison...programming is like being given a bunch of Lego's, your given all the pieces, and you just have to put them together in a way that achieves what you want. There are so many different ways to reach that goal, so many ways to “stack the Lego's”, as there are many ways to reach a goal in programming, it's up to you how to decide. Some ways are better than others, for example, it's better to build a large Lego tower out of two by four blocks than by one by one blocks, it just makes more sense, and it is more effective and well-built, just like in programming there are ways that are better than others. The larger the goal, the more ways to do it. There's more ways to make a castle than a tower. There's more ways to make a system where you shoot people than one that prints a word.
Another idea that we can get from this Lego comparison is that it doesn't make sense to ask, “Can I build a city with this?”. Well...duh, why couldn't you? Of course it all depends on your ability to do so. Can YOU build a city with it? This is like asking with programming, or really game-making in general, “Can I make a game where you can drive a car in first person?” or “Can I make a customized menu with this?”, and similar questions. Well...duh, why couldn't you? It all depends on your ability to do so. Can YOU achieve what you want with it.

So I hope now that I've made what appears to be a good comparison, it's easier for you to understand what programming is like, for a simple example, I'll make some code that will print a basic menu, you won't be able to interact with it yet though.

Now maybe you have a better understanding of what programming actually IS, now let's move on to modeling...

Modeling is creating the objects to be used in a game. Simple as that. You may have never thought about it before, but all those things in the game don't just appear there, someone has to make each and every one of them, bend each and every vertex, sculpt each and every one to what they want. Let's take one of my favorite screenshots from my favorite game, “Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion”:

Now let's list all the objects that would have to be made for this single screen-the trees, the gravestones, the grass, the mushrooms, the rocks, the wall the church (not an easy model, each and every curve and corner on it would have to have been carefully sculpted), and the bush. All in a single not very active shot. How do you model? A modeling program. Modeling programs allow you to place a simple object, say a box, and sculpt that box in a way that achieves the model you want. Calagari Gamespace (, Milkshape, (, and 3DS Max( are just a few of the many modelers you can use. To get a feel for what it's like to model, I suggest you download the easy to use, simple, and free “Google SketchUp”, and take a look at the in-game video tutorials. Hopefully you get what modeling is now, so we'll move on to Design.

Design lies at the heart of every game. Design is well...designing the game. Writing, drawing, thinking of every tiny detail of the game. If you take our “Call of Duty” example from the programming section, let's see what the designers would have designed for that single scene. Every model would have been drawn in concept art, the layout of that street would have been drawn and redrawn, taking into consideration sniping spots, cover, distances, everything you could think of, the weapons would have been designed, the soldiers, the mission itself, the reloading animation, the damage done by hitting separate body parts, the ammo, the health, and the buildings themselves. That's just what I can think of off the top of my head. Every tiny thing about a game and every larger thing has to be designed. No matter how big or small. Designing is in itself an art form. “Is it better to give the player lots of health and give him one chance, or little health and give him three?”, “How do I make this world appear larger than it is?”, “Is the system I have right now easy for the player to control?”. All of those are a couple design questions that you might ask as a designer. Without good design, a game fails. Check out Tinkergirls excellent tutorials on design concepts here for a better idea of what kind of challenges a designer faces and some great design tips:

Sound Engineering:
Because I don’t make my own sounds, I’m not really sure exactly how this works, but I’ll describe what it is anyway. Sound engineering is recording sounds for a game. How do you do that? Well, like I said, I’m not sure of the specifics, but you’d need a recording device and/or a sound manipulating program. Every sound in a game you hear must be made, a gunshot, a sword hit, a groan, a footstep, and the list goes on and on. Without sound, games can be very boring and are much less interesting (just try playing a game after turning the volume down, and see if it doesn’t annoy you and make you change it back within 10 seconds). Sounds can easily be found on the internet, but be careful that you don’t use ones that don’t allow license-free commercial use.

A game without textures is a game without life, beauty, realism, or really any kind of appeal at all. It’s like living in a gray world. A world where colors don’t exist, not even black and white, just one, dull gray color. Texturing brings a world, more specifically the models in the world to life, creates a realism in them. One of the main aspects next-generation games are improving on is textures, they are making them more detailed, and more realistic looking, adding to the environment and atmosphere of the entire game. What is texture? A texture is what is on every surface in a game, for example, a shack. It doesn’t just automatically come colored up and looking like a shack with straw and wood and metal, someone has to make those. Since It’s hard to explain, here’s an example. This is a Humvee model I’m currently working on; this is what it looks like without a texture:

here’s one with most of one (some temporary, but still easy to see the difference:

See the difference in the two? So hopefully you get what texture is, so how do you make them? Well all you need is a digital camera. It helps if you have a good photo-editing program like Paint Shop Pro or something similar, but it’s not required, you can just use paint.

I have no experience in this either, but I can tell you what it is, and the basics of how it’s done. Composing is pretty much making music, then recording it for use in a game. I know that many large game companies use entire orchestras for their music. Not many indie developers get into this though, and most just use downloaded content, or make their own with a music manipulation program and an instrument or two. There’s really not much to say about this, except for that it’s not something that you should really worry about yet.

Although I never have actually animated anything, I’ve been around it ever since I started programming. Animating is making things move. Many people fail to realize just how many animations are in a game. If you take our Call of Duty example, off the top of my head animations would be crouching, shooting, reloading, standing, running, walking, crouching and shooting, hiding, and ducking. And the list goes on and on. Every one of those actions must be changed in the model. How does it work? Many modeling tools have an animating tool already, and to animate, you need to “rig”. “Rigging” is like adding joints into a model so it can detect where it needs to bend. Then the animator moves these certain joints to make it look like the character, or whatever it is, is moving. Then the programmer controls when to play these animations and where with code.

World Building:
World Building goes along with level design as well as modeling. World building is, well…building the world, the graphical part of it to be more specific. Why is it different than modeling? Modeling is used for more detailed, smaller objects, where as world building is like drawing a map out of a bunch of boxes and other primitives. Think about every level, every building that you see in a game. That’s what world building does, it’s making those buildings, those levels. If you’re interested in how it works or just what it is, I’d suggest trying the free 3D World Studio Demo ( ), and if you like it, I’d suggest buying it, because it’s a great, easy-to-use, and flexible world builder. World building can also include terrain, which is the landscape, like mountains, rivers, grass, oceans, etc. Usually terrain is just made by a terrain making program, such as Geoscape 3D or T.ED, but it is possible, although difficult, to make your own in DarkBASIC Pro and other languages. Another common question for this is something along the lines of “cAn I MaK lyek a hOwS w/ WindOWS?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?”, translation: “Can I make a house with windows?”. Again this goes back to our Lego comparison…can YOU make a house with windows? Are YOU capable of putting the Lego’s together right? Because everything’s there for you to do it with, so the question is “can YOU?”, not “can IT?”.

Last, but not least, is testing. Testing is just what it says it is…testing. Testing a game to find every little thing that’s wrong with it, technical and design-wise. Can the player reach this part of the map? Does the player go through that wall if I hold down shoot? Can I reload while shooting? If I kill someone and shoot him again, will it play his dying animation again? Once you understand programming better, and get into more complicated things, you’ll realize just how incredibly easy it is to go wrong, and for every tiny mistake in the sometimes thousands of lines of code, there’s one bug. I spend probably ½ my time on a program debugging it. Murphy’s law is oh so present here: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. It’s rare that something works like it should the first time, second time, and even third time. Not the most fun part of game making in my opinion, but it has to be done, you don’t want your player being able to walk through a wall or be invincible if he is holding down the reload button, do you?

If you’ve read through all that, you deserve a medal, or some kind of reward, because it was so long. So the two people in the world that actually read all of that, congratulations! Now I think I’ve explained what it takes to make a game, let’s answer some other common questions…

Y DoS tEh gaMs lUk sOoOOoo BaaaDD?

What are FPS and Poly’s?
Two very important words (well, four if you count all of them in FPS ) are vital to knowing how to program/model effectively. FPS and Poly’s. Many of you may think that FPS is “First Person Shooter”, and it is, but it also has another common meaning, “Frames Per Second”. We’ll cover that first.

Frames per second are exactly what they sounds like, the number of frames that are on the screen in a period of a second. Videos also have “frames per second”, because all “moving” videos are actually not moving at all, but are just an illusion. They are really a bunch of pictures put together to have the appearance of a moving picture. Animated movies (think Disney) are made by artists actually drawing each frame onto paper and putting them together to give the appearance of movement. If you’ve ever seen or made one of those flip books where you flip the corners of a book with a bunch of pictures and it appears like it’s moving, that’s what I’m talking about. Another way you can see FPS is if you’ve ever (which I’m sure you have) experienced a “slow-down” while playing a game, where the game just slows down for no apparent reason, it’s because the FPS has dropped. So what’s a “good” FPS? People say anywhere from 30-60 FPS is good. I say from 50-60, because after that it become unnoticeable, and before it is noticeable and often feels dragged out and clunky. You should aim for 60 FPS though. If you’re a DBP user, here’s some code that will print the FPS to the screen (must be used in 3D).

How do you regulate FPS? In DBP you use the “sync rate” command, allowing you to limit the FPS. Why would you want to limit the FPS? Because, if you have a higher FPS, then everything moves faster. So if someone with a high FPS plays a game, and it appears like they (and everyone else) is running, when they should be walking, that’s not good, is it? If you want to regulate your FPS to around 60, use:

Got it? Feel free to ask questions in the thread. So why can’t every game just have a perfect 60 FPS? Polygon’s, or Poly’s for short. Polygons are, in my own words, a 3D side to a shape on screen. In the words of Wikipedia:
“A polygon is a plane figure that is bounded by closed planar paths composed of a finite number of sequential line segments.”
I hope mines easier to understand . So how many polys does a cube have? You may have said 6, which, actually, isn’t right. Why? A cube has 6 sides right? Yes, but each square side is made up of two triangles, and it’s these triangles which count as polys. I actually don’t know why the whole square can’t count as a polygon, I just know it doesn’t . So actually, there are 12 polygons in a cube. So why do the number of polygons in a cube affect FPS? Because the more polys means the more the computer has to redraw to the screen every second, and the more it has to redraw, the more “computing” power it takes, and the more computing power it takes, the slower it runs, and the slower it runs, the slower the FPS. Got that ? What’s a good poly count? It depends. How effective is your code? How many background tasks are working? How many shaders are you using? What techniques are you using to hide unneeded polys? What kind of resolution are your textures? There’s no simple answer, but most professional games (rough estimate here) probably have anywhere from 50,000-75,000 on the screen at a time.

So the reason that all games can’t be as beautiful and detailed as you’d like is because the FPS has to stay up to make the game fun, and to keep the FPS up you need fewer polys, and to have fewer polys, you need fewer sides to objects . Hope that makes sense and now you understand polygons and FPS a bit better, as they are a very important factor in game-making.

Pirates of Port Royale
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Darth Vader
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Posted: 17th Sep 2006 12:14
Looks great! Haven't read it, could you put it into a document so I can download it onto my Laptop?

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 17th Sep 2006 18:10
K, I've attached a word doc with that part on it . Not much response, I guess it's too long for anyone to want to read, lol .

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david w
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Posted: 17th Sep 2006 18:14
I think its good, just most people probably wont post but just read it. I really should show this to some of my friends and family just so they know what it really takes. They think I'm just wasting my time though.....LOL....LOL....Sometimes I wonder also, but I havent given up since I decided to do this.
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Posted: 18th Sep 2006 00:53
@ David W
Your right, i didn't wanna post and ruin the lovely thread, i take tutorials as read only threads. Wasting your time Programming hey? I'm currently using DBC, Visual Studio.Net 2003, Soon getting FPS Creator (for my bday), DBP for xmas, and im VERY tempted to download Microsofts XNA (the Xbox Dev Kit), i dont have enuf time for it all
Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 18th Sep 2006 01:16
Quote: "just most people probably wont post but just read it."

oh ok .

Quote: "i didn't wanna post and ruin the lovely thread,"

lol, I want you to post and ruin the lovely thread , I like feedback, even if it's "This is the worst tutorial ever written "

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 18th Sep 2006 02:05
Okay, Gil..I will respond. It is VERY NICE...I like it. I think it is an excellent project, and I would certainly hope to be able to contribute. It looks like you have it well in-hand, though...and I am a noob, too.

BTW, nonresponse is not always a good indicator. Look at total views, too.
Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 18th Sep 2006 03:20
@jinzai: Thanks, glad you like it .

Quote: "BTW, nonresponse is not always a good indicator. Look at total views, too."

Ok, that just seems wierd, cause usually if the view to post ratio is so far off, it means that your post wasn't worth reading/posting about .

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Sixty Squares
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Posted: 18th Sep 2006 03:52 Edited at: 18th Sep 2006 03:54
Wow this looks like it may prove to be quite helpful! I read it... sort of (I skimmed it). Had this been here when I was completely new I would have read it!

And about the not responding thing... Could people please respond to tutorials? The person who wrote it (or at least me when I write tutorials) likes to get feedback. It helps to improve future tutorials that they may write. It can also be motivation for creating more tutorials.

Quote: "HOw DoO I lyEk mAk UbEr GaMeZ?!?!?"

P.S. That title is hilarious!

Searle Enterprises
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Posted: 19th Sep 2006 16:54
ty just got dark basic thanks for the 'intro'

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 06:34 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2006 06:48
@searle enterprises: no problem, I'm glad I could help someone . Sorry I haven't replied sooner, your post didn't show up as new for some reason and I came to bumb the thread .

@Sixty Squares: Thanks for the comments

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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 12:23
@Gil: I really like your writing style, and descriptions. If you want a place to put this up, I'm currently working on a website which will hopefully have a good article system exactly for stuff like this

Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 17:33
Thanks for the offer Kentaree . If I get some more of this written I will definitely contact you about that .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 22nd Sep 2006 21:53 Edited at: 22nd Sep 2006 21:55
Myself being a big reader actually read the ENTIRE thing. Call me a nerd, go ahead. Anyhow, I just wanted to say that this definitely clears up some things involving the process of game design. Nice job. I look forward to the next part!

Quote: "They just think I'm wasting my time"

So do my parents. They say I will get nowhere with game dev, but I think I can do it and that's all that matters.

Downfall:Arena by Terra Design Studios(TDS) is currently in development. Features full online or AI multiplayer maps, with 35 online maps and 15 AI maps. Demo release date will be somtime in October.
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Posted: 28th Sep 2006 01:03
Quote: "150-200 people working on them"

Halo 2 had around 50
wat ur proposing is up to 4 times that!
Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 28th Sep 2006 03:54
like I said it was a rough estimate, and some games probably have more than that working on them, especially if you look at an entire company like EA games, adding the departements, like customer service, etc .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 29th Sep 2006 09:00
i read it.. thanks clearfied some things up

(by the way lol im one of the 2 people who all of that )

Scorpion Planet. Website Coming Soon.
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Posted: 20th Oct 2006 22:59
When's the next update?

Enjoy your day.
Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 21st Oct 2006 00:50
been working on it on and off, I'll see if I can get it out in the next week or two, it's very long. .

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Posted: 21st Oct 2006 01:12
what is the point of google sketch?

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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 21st Oct 2006 01:43
You mean Google SketchUp? It's just a type of modelling program by google, really meant more for a 3D representation of an architectural type project, but can be used to make game models. I mentioned it in there because it is a simple and easy-to-use starter if your just getting into modelling, to give you an idea of how it works .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 21st Oct 2006 12:24
Quote: "but can be used to make game models"

really? I downloaded it, and I can only export as a google earth model or as a 2d bitmap/image

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Posted: 21st Oct 2006 17:52
Quote: "really? I downloaded it, and I can only export as a google earth model or as a 2d bitmap/image"

Theres apparently a plugin to export them to DBP. See the new "ConvSEO SketchUp Board under the "support" section.

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Posted: 21st Oct 2006 20:18
Quote: "Texturing:
A game without textures is a game without life, beauty, realism, or really any kind of appeal at all. It’s like living in a gray world. A world where colors don’t exist, not even black and white, just one, dull gray color."

got me thinking, would make a rather 'unique' game though. If pretty much everything (even if its only for a level or something) was grey, or greyscale. Would be ideal for a horror fantasy type of game.
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Posted: 21st Oct 2006 20:42
Ginga, you could go for the SinCity style look Just use colours for emphasis

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Posted: 21st Oct 2006 21:45
There is a great book titled: "The Dark Side of Game Texturing" that has some awesome tutorials and step-by-step examples of how to make all kinds of cool looking textures. It's for folks with Photoshop. I highly recommend it. And, no, I am not the author

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Posted: 27th Dec 2006 20:13
Thanks Gil for the Help and i'm thinking of posting a more persifik
idea for my game.

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Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 28th Dec 2006 21:08
No problem, glad I could help . I've been thinking of updated this sometime, I got sidetracked from it and just haven't come back to it .

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Posted: 29th Dec 2006 23:02
too long to read... I don't really feel like reading this unless it has any programming tutorial inside it.. lol well from what i read it looks good and i agree most people do think " what are all those crazy irish words doing all over the screen? " but actually its english (well darkBASIC but u know) so it would help people like that

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Posted: 8th Jan 2007 02:50
Change of plans, my next section is about Polygons and Frames Per Second to explain them better and their significance, I'm about half-way through a big programming segment, and a third through a "How do I…(Fundamentals of Game Programming)" segment. I've edited the top post, added that to the bottom. Feedback appreciated .

Pirates of Port Royale
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Posted: 11th Jan 2007 11:50
great guide! i new some of those all ready but i learnt tonnes

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Posted: 11th Jan 2007 21:35
Quote: "I actually don’t know why the whole square can’t count as a polygon, I just know it doesn’t ."

Probably because a triangle is the easiest shape for a computer to draw. Turning the 3D coordinate into a 2D screen coordinate is (as far as I know) not very CPU intensive. If you want a square you'd plot 4 3D point to the screen as dots and connect them with lines. However, applying texture to a ploygon is a whole other story, I don't know how it's done, but it's probably easiest to do on a triangle, as it has only three points to stretch the texture across.

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Posted: 11th Jan 2007 23:36
@hotron: Glad I could help
@Code Dragon: Okay, that makes sense, thanks for clearing that up .

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Posted: 11th Jan 2007 23:54
Quote: "Probably because a triangle is the easiest shape for a computer to draw."

Actually it's because a triangle is the only shape that you can draw which will result in all the vertices being on the same plane (flat)!


Gil Galvanti
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Posted: 12th Jan 2007 00:31
Why wouldn't the vertices of a square or any other polygon be on the same plane ?

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Posted: 12th Jan 2007 04:29
Quote: "Why wouldn't the vertices of a square or any other polygon be on the same plane ?"

If you look at TDK's sig, you'll see how one corner bends outward from the other three...

Great tutorial, BTW. I hope you keep going with it.
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Posted: 12th Jan 2007 15:40 Edited at: 12th Jan 2007 15:42
This graphic might make it a little clearer...

In the triangle, it doesn't matter where in 3D space you move the red vertices, the surface is always flat (on the same plane).

With a square, pentagon, hexagon or any other polygonal shape, moving just one vertice results in the deformation of the plane and it's no longer flat.


Code Dragon
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Posted: 12th Jan 2007 22:17 Edited at: 12th Jan 2007 22:18
Hmm, that would explain why whenever I save and load my 3D models they get triangulated. I never thought a postulate from geometery would apply to game graphics. "Through any three noncollinear points exists exactly one plane." That wouldn't always apply to 4 points, thanks for explaning that TDK.

[edit]This reminds me, why is plane misspelled in DBP?

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Posted: 13th Jan 2007 01:05
just wanna say compliments for the guide

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