Curses! My guise is foiled... I shall have to go back in hidding contorting my face into an unrecognizable aboration!
Quote: "I know you are a scripter who is far better than me"
Correction, I WAS a great scripter... right now I am a washed up old man who would rather spend his time making a lowsy physics addon for a java project then even attempt another AI project (you have no IDEA how long I have put off 3.0 (well, actually, including the theoretical design changes it would actually be...) I simply did not want to deal with another large scale project like that again,
my excuses include (Noticable frame rate drop due to script size) [theoretical change 1, split script into multiple scripts and call with runfpi]
Not enough commands to make 'better' [have player setup objects, such as waypoints]
Still too Slow [only run plrcanbeseen every few seconds (use random due to hudtimer bug)]
Can't get entitys to 'interact' propperly [add ifused=enemy to fpe file and use an anywithin to detect if an enemy is close]
Simply put, I have become seriously lazy when dealing with making a new complex script.
Either way, I typically deal with single scripts, a single script using waypoints to detect 'cover', for instance, doesn't seem to slow down the system but I guess as you increase the script usage it makes things consiterably slower... perhaps a plrdistwithin would help?
Wisemen are hard to find, they are tarnished by sayings and quotes that are not of their true nature.