A friend's laptop had the same thing on the weekend. After a lot of hours mucking around with Spy Sweeper, Norton, and googling like no tomorrow I managed to stop the damn thing. Do you also have a red circle with a white cross inside saying you need SpySheriff to stop your detected problems? Annoying little git...
Even so, with it all seemingly gone away I have noticed it accessing the net almost continiously. A net traffic monitor seemed to give no information, but can someone point to a good program for monitoring network traffic? Spy Sweeper seems to be denying access to automatic requests (nobody on PC for ages) to sites like flowgo.com and the WWE main site by the look of it. Not much can be googled on it by the look of it. Managed to find some netshop thingy that has little or no information online (suspicious running exe brings up one site only - just one - and that indicates installing a program to apparently remove it). Hopefully Spy Sweeper will catch up soon.
Also is anyone using SpySweeper 5.2 beta? The one with the virus sweeper built in? Any good? My Norton will run out soon, and would be nice to keep everything in one program. And SpySweeper has beaten everything else so far when it comes to Spyware. Latest MS one (defender?) found nothing on my laptop recently, whereas SpySweeper found dozens, and a couple of the others (SpyBot for example) found almost as many as Sweeper.
I am 99% probably lying in bed right now... so don't blame me for crappy typing