Wonderful News !!!!
so this means that some things could be possible now eh ?
- Buy menu like in counterstrike
imagine you press the B key and kind of a menu pops up in the hud
where more keys are listed to buy several weapons....or to spawn
several weapons in front of the player. maybe its possible ?! but
therefore it should have the capability to disable keys and only
let them be typed in the menu.
- Sound files like in Duke Nukem ? You press a key and your player
says "Good, bad, i`m the guy with the gun" ^^
- Hud toggle functions. Well, you could define several huds by
pressing a key, right ? disable or hide the old one and switch
to the new one.
- night vision by pressing N ? You press the N key, and all lights
set to maximum ambience and your huds getting a green transparent
- my super mega screen wiper idea. everytime you shoot an enemy,
blood splatters onto the screen. and of course after lets say
20 enemies your screen is full of blood splatters. then you press
a key and an animation of a wiper is playing which wipes the
blood away
- interaction with NPCS. you walk to a NPC and talk to him. in a
given message box, you now can decide wether hes commiting
suicide or not. by pressing Y or N for yes or no. all scriptable
- maybe even cheating ??? you type in a special word or phrase
and the player got all weapons or 500 Health.
only a few ideas
should be possible now.
yeah...thats the ticket !