i was working on a pong-type game but i was told it would be a bit to complicated for a beginner. so i am now trying to write a space invaders type game. but when i shoot the enemy ship it dissapeares, but when ever i shoot a bullet in that area the explosion sprite becomes visible for a second. i tried deleting the enemy ships sprite but then when i shoot it it just dissapeares for a second. what should i do?
here's my code:
rem ship variables
rem bullet variables
rem alien variables
rem load images
load image "ship.bmp",1
load image "bullet.bmp",2
load image "stars.bmp",3
load image "baddie.bmp",4
load image "fireball.bmp",5
rem set up screen
sync on
sync rate 0
hide mouse
rem ship sprite
sprite 1,xpos,ypos,1
scale sprite 1,35
rem bullet sprite
sprite 2,bxpos,bypos,2
scale sprite 2,12
hide sprite 2
rem alien sprite
sprite 3,axpos,aypos,4
scale sprite 3,25
rem explode sprite
sprite 4,axpos,aypos,5
scale sprite 4,45
hide sprite 4
rem movement
if upkey()=1 then dec ypos,3: dec bypos,3
if downkey()=1 then inc ypos,3: inc bypos,3
if leftkey()=1 then dec xpos,3: dec bxpos,3
if rightkey()=1 then inc xpos,3: inc bxpos,3
rem shooting
if spacekey()=1 then show sprite 2: dec bypos,30
rem new bullet
if bypos < 0 then bypos=sprite y(1)
rem bullet/alien collision
if sprite hit(2,3)
hide sprite 3: show sprite 4: wait 10: hide sprite 4
(also, how can i get the enemy ship to move back and forth across the screen?)
"Thou hast only to follow the wall far enough and there will de a door in it."