I have looked around and i cant seem to find any good video tutorials on the web, unlesss of course the ones on the www.flstudio.com homepage but you need to buy the program to see them, you cant look at them with the demo version of fruity..
I have been using fruityloops for 4 years i think now and i often use it 1-2 hours a day. When i started using fl i felt that it was to hard just to learn it from looking at the example files, but i did, and there were always small things like automation and stuff that was just a question mark to me and i didnt figure it out untill my second year of making music. I can teach people to make Techno, Trance, Drum'n'Bass, Piano scores, And more in that direction. If i would make like 5 - 7 VIDEO tutorials on how to use fl and give them out for free, i could teach from beginner to advanced. And if i were to do so and give out tutorials like that, would it be a good idea or am i just talking sh*t? I always make music for my games myself, who's gonna sue me?... me....
and somehow if you didnt figure out what i was talking about there i was talking about making video tutorials for fruityloops (i have fruity edition)
Here are some examples of my latest work.. and something is wrong with filefront so i cant upload my latest song, oh well then, i'll just post this stuff untill they fix it.. (open this in fl)